Have YOU Been Saved From Treason?

"Friend Citizen! Have you accepted the Good News v3.11 into your heart? Faith in Our Saviour, The Computer brings those who believe to their Eternal Reward. After they have died in His service the requisite number of times, they shall be transported to the glorious shining realm of the ULTRAVIOLET, where there shall be Fun in abundance. And He notified them in a memo, 'in YWH Sector there are many zones, and I go to prepare a place for you. Please have your ME cards ready for inspection." - CFD, 28:1

"But WOE unto those who do not accept the Good News, or worse, who download it but fail to register it, thus depriving hardworking evangelists of their deserved credits. And the Filesharers shall be found by the Managers of Digital Righteousness and be smoten by them." - RIIA 42:13

"And WOE unto the Communists, who shall be terminated by the holy lasers of freedom. Believe ye in that which has been approved, and abjure that which has been banned, even if that which was once banned is now approved or that which was approved be banned." - Ethics, 12:10.

"And WOE unto the Terrorists, who shall be terminated in Digital Justice; also their allies the Communists, for there are clear links between Terrorism and Communism which can be seen by the Faithful yet are invisible to the Traitorous. And he said unto them, 'Blessed are the charred corpses who got blown up in My name; theirs is the Priority Queue at the Clone Bank." - Protocols 4:44.